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Namaste, Dave.

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What is a Collabualist?

A collabualist is a resilient individual who is courageous in facing their own limiting or fixed belief patterns, in removing trauma of childhood in order to operate fully, happily, energetically in daily life.

In order to build resilient communities it is helpful to first build resilient individuals. Resilient individuals will take action in the face of adversity and know that they can only grow spiritually and mentally from the experience.

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What's Included In This Movement

Collabualism™ - noun:

Collab[oration]+[Individ]ualism = 

Collaboration on the far side of Individualism.

Collabualise™ - verb:

To act in accordance with individualistic principles while manifesting collaboration within ones community and world culture.

Collabualate™ - verb:

To get together with other Collabualists™ to facilitate a collaborative, resilient community.

Collabolization™ - The Collaborative Civilization

We are at a perfect time in our global development to begin the construct of a new civilization. The new civilization, based on Collabualism, will be the Collabolization - a Collabo[rative][civi]lization.

Building a new Collabolization will be a process of pragmatic hindsight, foresight and dogmatic dissolution of unhealthy, unworthy, and unconscious prejudices.

But the greatest strength of Collabualism is that it removes the necessity for us to 'change the world'. To achieve the new Collabolization requires only that we focus intently on changing ourselves in ways that are consistent with Collabualism principles.

Meet Your Collabualator:
Dave Harper

Dave is the creator of Collabualism.Today and the Collabualism Movement. Dave has investigated opportunities for new civilizations for 20 years and recognised the problems with utopian visions that are idealistic yet unachievable. 

If you are tired of feeling unhealthy, tired, anxious, and stressed then here is your chance to find your soul memory by joining this 1-lifetime detox with Dave, who is an expert in life purpose and the meaning of life.

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Our Mission

To activate our unique higher vibrational virtues through right-thinking mindset reactivation as a foundation upon which the new Collabolization can germinate, then blossom. To laser focus our intent towards the inner ethics, positive character traits, internal fortitude and natural innovative, imaginative, creative abilities of each individual. To live in BEING in order to effectively and appropriately direct our DOING. To establish a network of individuals and progressive altruistic organisations to energise a global movement of confident, empowered individual leaders.

"The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible" - Charles Eisenstein

seeds germinating

Germinating Awareness of our BEING

Each of us has a natural tendency towards the values of our true Being. Nurturing these values strengthen our resolve to overcome fear of knowing.

Dr. Maslow lists 14 Being-Values as: Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Wholeness, Aliveness, Uniqueness, Perfection, Completion, Justice, Simplicity, Richness, Effortlessness, Playfulness, and Self-sufficiency. I will add Curiosity.

Blossoming in our Greatest DOINGs

The greatness of our actions blossom when we place them in correct relation to, and rest them upon, the foundations of our Being. 

Dr. Maslow puts it eloquently: "to be aware of our God like possibilities within, while simultaneously mastering our existential human limitations without. To laugh at ourselves and at all human pretentions."

flower blossoms

Let's Hear What Others May Be Saying

Just the thing Ineeded!

"I found this movement to be extremely helpful! I was able to quickly get rid of my bad habit and got into a daily routine that made me healthy."

I can feel my bodyresponding.

"Joining this movement gave me the opportunity to believe in myself again, to create community action based upon my core values and desires."

I Love thedaily routineworkouts.

"I feel lucky that I came across this movement. The entire group of people participating is so awesome. I'm thinking globally and acting locally."

Guided training forbeginners.

"As a beginner I could not have asked for a better mindset challenge. This movement has helped me overcome the fear of failure I often experience."

  • Note: these are stock placeholder testimonials. If you'd like to add your comments, please contact me.

Here's What You Might Get With This Movement

  • Online Training Videos(valued at $497)

  • Nutrition Recipes and Ideas (valued at $97)

  • Meditation, Tai-Chi and Qi Gong Practices (valued at $97)

  • Private Facebook Group for Inspiration and Knowledge(valued at $497)

Total Value: Total Value of the Online Collabualism Package is $Priceless!

Special Price Just For Today

is FREE!

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Check out the 
Collabualism Articles

All the info as it comes hot off the press!

Morte de la Révolution

An apology to all activists - Collabulism removes the need for the revolution.

Death to the Revolution!

Village Families

Some thoughts after reading a quote from the Snare book by Katharine Kerr relating to 'It takes a village to raise a child'.

And more!

Check out the rest of the posts in the Articles.Today section to get all the info about Collabualism as it happens.

Go to the Articles.Today!

Built on compassion for all humanity.